Miscellaneous Questions About 2018 Leaf

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Well-known member
Staff member
May 22, 2013
Upstate New York, US
We need a topic for small issues like mine that can either be solved easily, or can't be solved. In my case, I can't seem to find a way to adjust the volume of the warning tones that Pro Pilot sounds when it acquires / loses / reacquires the painted lane lines. They are just too loud for me, especially given the frequency with which I hear them on my local roads. Can LeafSpy Pro edit this? Did I miss it in the manual? Sometimes "RTFM" isn't the easiest way to get a quick answer...
Since this would be considered a Safety and/or Liability Issue, I doubt that Nissan would have provided an easy way to change the volume of the alert tones. Since it is not in the manual, if it is possible with Leaf Spy, it would be on the Service Menu. I would suggest contacting the author of Leaf Spy about the possibility.
I added an after-market lane departure warning system to my 2013 Leaf (MobilEye). It also was too loud for me. I put a couple of pieces of black duct tape over the small speaker grill on the unit. Much quieter. Not as slick as changing volume in software, but it works.
Try the Volume Down button while the alert tone is sounding and see if it has any impact (likely not, but you never know). The GPS has a separate volume level control, but it has to be adjusted while the GPS voice is active.
The alerts are very brief (one sounds kind of like "UH-OH!" and the other like "YAY") so it would be hard. I'll try if it seems safe, though. I'd guess it would only work for that trip, if it worked at all.