VSP inoperative / Icon missing - 2018 Nissan Leaf SV

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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2021
I have been slowly making my way through the Owner's Manual, and encountered a a section on the Vehicle Sound for Pedestrians, or VSP.

It states the VSP can never be lowered in volume, but can be increased by the Dealer Service Department.

My Backup beep-beep-beep works fine, but the vehicle never makes any noise going forward.

I brought it to the dealership, and a Service Tech stood in the path of my car while it advanced towards him. He said it made no noise at all.

The Owner's Manual states there is an Icon that illuminates should the VSP experience failure.

It looks like this:



Sadly, it seems to me this Icon does not exist.

The closest thing to it is a grayed-out icon directly above the Green Power Plug icon. But that grayed-out icon is actually a car with a key inside the outline.

Perhaps the VSP has been eliminated ?
Thanks alozzy

I am still under warranty, tho I do own a dongle.

I'm scheduled to visit the Dealership Monday, and will likely order them to make the VSP as loud as possible.

I've nearly run over drunken stumblers in the past (not with the Leaf), and that is something I wish to avoid.