Do you sub-consciously (or consciously ) park with other Leaf owners?

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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2015
Franklin, TN
As the subject says, do you find yourself parking next to other random Leaf owners without realizing it or do you like to do it as kind of a fist bump to another Leaf owner? :D
I only ask because it seems like anywhere I go, I park my Leaf in a spot that is not always the closest to the merchant doors because I don't mind the walk and space. Come back some time later when finished shopping and you are surrounded by other Leaf owners. Was it luck they all park around you or were they surfing through the parking lot and thought, safety in numbers? :lol:
Mine was in the middle, seems that happens a lot more than random chance, but well, this is one of those kind of topics, have fun!

Not often unless I feel like it. I could imagine such a subconscious condition does it apply for Suburbans or Corollas or such?
Somewhat related is I did a drive electric earth day event on Saturday and we went out of our way to make sure the cars were mixed so LEAFs were not all together or Tesla was not all together etc. We had quite a variety and it makes it so we don't form sections or cliques. I had my LEAF far away from another LEAF. Mine was next to a Chevy Spark with a Taycan in front of me.
I think that people do this because it's safer. The odds of a Leaf driver vandalizing another EV are slim compared with the odds of a random Redneck doing it.
That does make sense. I see plenty of videos of vandalism to Tesla cars, sentry mode helps with that. Have you heard of LEAF vandalism due to not liking EVs?
Wow missed out on that and I have had a Prius a long time, it will eventually be swapped for an EV. What we have recently is catalytic converter theft which I understand is particularly easy in the Prius. There is coal rolling here even to some like the Bolt which I am surprised a diesel truck would recognize. Maybe I should start parking next to other "eco cars".
The coal rollers love to hate Priuses in large part because some of them can outrun one. It's not as much fun to generate a huge cloud of soot, only to have an EV zoom away, leaving them to breathe their own waste.
LeftieBiker said:
The coal rollers love to hate Priuses in large part because some of them can outrun one. It's not as much fun to generate a huge cloud of soot, only to have an EV zoom away, leaving them to breathe their own waste.
That was awesome :lol:
No, because I usually try to park away from other cars and away from entrances, to hopefully avoid door dings and hit and run parking mishaps.

My former Maxima got dinged badly several times and then my former Z got a dent in a bad spot from a door ding.

The strategy worked for my former Prius as it was pretty much free of dings.

My Bolt has been the victim of a hit and run where someone hit the side of the rear bumper cover, causing tons of deep scratches and cracking the bumper cover. I have no idea when and where it happened. It was only when I was showing someone at my work who wanted to see my Bolt that he spotted it. :( Could've been there for weeks but not noticed due to my Bolt being silver and dirty. I just know it wasn't there months before, when I'd washed the car myself.

Above dude sold his Model 3 and bought a cheap Rav4 (ICE-only) to replace it:

That said, my Bolt doesn't have any significant door dings, AFAIK.
knightmb said:
LeftieBiker said:
The coal rollers love to hate Priuses in large part because some of them can outrun one. It's not as much fun to generate a huge cloud of soot, only to have an EV zoom away, leaving them to breathe their own waste.
That was awesome :lol:

I hit the recirculate button with my hand and the accelerator with my foot! As far as parking--I try to park away from the store entrance and as far from other vehicles as possible to minimize the risk of door dings.
To paraphrase a line I find amusing -- I would never join a club that would accept the likes of me.
At work there is no one else with one, so the answer is no. But we do have a few model 3's and a model y and a Chevy bolt that park around the same area. I don't think its to purposefully keep all the EVs near each other, but rather we park near where our work area is, and the EV folks all seem to get to work around the same time. In my specific work group of about 60 people there are probably about 6 EV drivers. Never really counted them though.
Can't say that I do. I always park far away at the end of a row to avoid door dings. By and large it works. All of our cars remain pretty much ding-free.

I will say that once I develop an interest in a specific vehicle, I start to notice them more. A lot more. I'm sure it's a matter of selective perception.

I haven't had any experience with anyone even recognizing our Leaf as an EV. So far so good. Hope our luck holds that way.
No, but I will note that I notice other EVs (mostly Teslas in Orange County) on the road a lot more, now that I'm driving one.

I will also note that at times, in parking lots, I find myself treated like I was driving "The Invisible Car."
Like others, I like to park far away for various reasons, but other EV drivers here don't seem to do that.
Leafs are rare animals in my area, so I don't get a chance to see or park by many. Teslas have gotten more popular here, but I typically see them parked close to the stores. I've also seen more Bolts grazing at the charge stations, but not many parked by me.
There are few Leafs in my area (North Texas). With the Covid 19 shutdown, the Leaf parks next to the 74 Beetle I’ve owned since new...