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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2016
Foothills of SNs East of Sac
Clowns at Carmax showing their extreme ignorance.
This is so ha ha ha as to worthy of a mention at the next local meeting.
This is the second 4 bar '11 LEAF I have noticed in the past 2 weeks.
Go VW!!
A couple of days ago the Car Max by me had a Tesla Model 3 for sale. I looked at the sticker on it and they made no mention what version of the Model 3, SR, LR etc. Or even if the car had auto-pilot etc. Also the Leaf they had on the lot made no mention if it had all bars etc.
Another example of them being clueless when it comes to EVs is that they listed it as having 106 miles per charge in the city and 92 miles on the highway. Ha! 92 miles on the highway on a 24 kWh Leaf even w/new battery?

Well, the 106 and 92 come from the useless MPGe scores (, NOT miles per charge. But, the folks are Carmax had no idea what they were doing...
The only picture I see shows the capacity bars way below the fuel icon but I cannot say with certainty it is 4 bars. Obviously Carmax is clueless; I was only curious if a better photo is available that I missed.
As I pointed out in the other thread, if you tap LOOK INSIDE, you can also see only 4 capacity bars.

So, I guess the car was probably fully booted. It’d be a coincidence if not fully booted for the panoramic view + standalone pic to be taken at the same point in booting.
Seems like this person got hosed by Carmax and didn't do their homework first.

People really need to do their homework before buying a used Leaf from anywhere and anyone.

Turns out, that person bought a 9 bar '11 Leaf and they live in Henderson, NV, which is near Vegas. Do a Google search for henderson, nv weather to get an idea of how toasty it is there in the summer.