Costs of Climate Change Denial Start to Roll In

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2011

These are the present day planning and implementations of 8 US coastal cities to mitigate flooding. There is a lot to digest but I looked at Miami Beach as a harbinger: $6,500 per capita of populace* now, who knows how much later. That is just for routine flooding. Large storms are unpaid and unplanned, and they use past flooding history to anticipate future flooding. :eek:

93,000 population
$600,000,000 new fees and taxes
This is all a crock of crap....

No one is saying that sea levels are rising, or that we are experiencing (already) significantly more serious flooding anywhere...

If "climate change" will have such a serious effect on coastal cities, then we should move the cities away from the higher water.

Humans are not in charge of their environment, we live in it... Thinking that we can build impenetrable barriers to the ocean is very childish. We cannot change our environment. Only the corrupt government thinks so for $$$.
powersurge said:
then we should move the cities away from the higher water.
Who is "we" ?

I can assure you that when Long Island floods I will do what I can to make it the problem of Long Island and not mine. YOUR problem -- not mine. Multiply that by the population living on the coasts.
powersurge said:
No one is saying that sea levels are rising, or that we are experiencing (already) significantly more serious flooding anywhere...
Everyone who is not an idiot is saying just that.
powersurge said:
... If "climate change" will have such a serious effect on coastal cities, then we should move the cities away from the higher water. ...

Let me know how that goes.
The only ones in denial are living very near, at or below sea level.
They will continue living this poor lifestyle choice as long as everyone chips in to cover the cost of rebuilding after every storm.
powersurge said:
Humans are not in charge of their environment, we live in it... Thinking that we can build impenetrable barriers to the ocean is very childish. We cannot change our environment. Only the corrupt government thinks so for $$$.
70% of the residents of Miami Beach voted for the increases in taxes and fees and bonds. It is hard to stay in denial in knee deep water in your home although I give you a 50:50 chance.
SageBrush said:
Oilpan4 said:
The only ones in denial are living very near, at or below sea level.
Hardly. You are exhibit 'A'

The sea level rises. I have accepted this.
In the eternal battel of man versus the seas, the sea always wins.
There is only 1 logical outcome.
Oilpan4 said:
The sea level rises. I have accepted this.
In the eternal battel of man versus the seas, the sea always wins.
There is only 1 logical outcome.

It certainly isn’t futile, mankind can have a great impact on how damaging floods, hurricanes, etc are.

A great example of this is how the Netherlands deal with floods.

You can prepare for disasters, or react to them. Preparing is a lot cheaper.
Oilpan4 said:
The sea level rises. I have accepted this.
Congratulations. How many years did it take ? What does your years of denial tell you about your ability to grasp Earth science and the people you follow ?

Your next step, for which you are about 20 years late already, is to grasp that the rise is due to human activity. YOUR activity. Start listening to people who are not BS'g you.

So far you are following to a Tee the schedule I wrote about years ago for AGW morons:

1. The Earth is Cooling !
2. The Earth *may* not be cooling but it is obviously not warming
3. The Earth *may* be warming a little, but that is natural
4. The Earth *may* be warming a little more than a little, but it is natural cycling
5. The Earth is warming, but it is not anthropogenic
6. The Earth is warming and it *may* be a liiiitle anthropogenic
7. The Earth is warming and it was anthropogenic but it is now driven by feedbacks so there is nothing we can do.
8. God is angry. Let's find some scapegoats to burn.
Zythryn said:
You can prepare for disasters, or react to them. Preparing is a lot cheaper.
The cheapest of all is to not dial up the intensity and frequency by continuing to burn fossils. That is just insanity.
Interesting quirk of human nature. We're a work in progress.

There are many things advantageous to the individual but not to the greater good that the individual understands a line exists that not be crossed. Some examples: if it was certain that one would not get caught, most get that it's not ok to rob their neighbors, or a store, or bank, or dump their visible waste on their neighbors property or some unknown guy's property across town...

But when it comes to pollutants and green house gases, it's a different story for a great many, even among the sufficiently educated on this subject.

Hopefully we'll evolve more on this.
Oilpan4 said:
SageBrush said:
Oilpan4 said:
The only ones in denial are living very near, at or below sea level.
Hardly. You are exhibit 'A'

The sea level rises. I have accepted this.
In the eternal battel of man versus the seas, the sea always wins.
There is only 1 logical outcome.

The sea will always do what "it" wants to.
However, there are multiple possible outcomes, as the 60 minutes piece I links shows.
Zythryn said:
The sea will always do what "it" wants to.s.
And the warmer it gets, the more "it" wants to do.

I suppose there is symmetry somewhere in explaining anthropogenic global warming with anthropomophism of the ocean. Maybe it is the best way to explain science to denialists.
I never said anything about the earth cooling.
So that time line is bs.
The earth has been warming for the last 12,000 years and will continue to do so for at least a few thousand more.
Oilpan4 said:
The earth has been warming for the last 12,000 years and will continue to do so for at least a few thousand more.

OMG! I love that graph!! According to that graph, our temps are at the same level (ok, a little more) than the time of the Egyptians..

I would like to summarize what I think of the climate change issue... I am a scientist by profession, so I believe most of my facts are correct...

Yes, man has taken a tremendous detour in the world's evolution since 1900.

- Labor saving technology developed in the late 1800s.
- The discovery of fossil fuels revolutionized human living conditions in convenience, manufacturing, travel, leisure time, and the ability for people to have longer lives and support more children.
- Global transportation and population intermingling exploded.
- Population grew exponentially.
- Global Oil consumption grew exponentially to the point it is now.
- Currently, Man is forced to continue oil use because EVERY object we own, and EVERY daily action we make is completely dependent on the continued supply of oil. (If current oil supplies ever STOPPED, more than half of the world's population would die in one year.)
- However there are two problems. Oil is a limited, non-renewable asset, so global oil supply will continue to decrease. Also, global population will continue to increase and thirst for oil will continue to increase exponentially.

Oil supply will decrease exponentially, based on the concept of "Peak Oil". THAT IS THE REAL CATASTROPHE THAT POLITICIANS ARE NOT WILLING TO TELL YOU... Rather than panic the world with the news that we are running out of oil, governments are pushing the more palatable idea that we need to improve our "environment". The problem is that man does not have a replacement technology as cheap and powerful as fossil fuels...

Do not be fooled by the media's red herring of "climate change", as that is their attempt to have license for the government to control us. The government does not want to take the bull by the horns and make laws to ration oil use and impose limits on the types of vehicles to make. People would go CRAZY if that happened. As an example, past president Jimmy Carter, (a non-politician, scientist) made a statement in his address to the country once. He stated that the oil supply of the the world was decreasing, and that we needed to conserve. That statement was not taken too well at the time..

So in terms of global warming, the government, which controls the media, are falsely appealing to our American idealistic, humanitarian values. Does anyone think that poor, uneducated subsistence-level people in third world countries give a darn about the environment? No, the want to get cars and motorcycles, just like they see the First world residents have... That is why global mass immigration has also become a crisis... Humans need to conserve oil, and develop non-petroleum technology - Not to preserve the environment, but to try to make our earth's limited oil supply last a bit longer..

For those who are not aware, I strongly recommend that people read about the concept of "Peak Oil", and Marion King Hubbert's "peak theory.

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