Yahoo! products/properties being shut down

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2011
SF Bay Area, CA
Many have shut down over time but Yahoo! Answers is another casualty.

I'm glad the latter brought up this gem: (how is babby formed?)
Me thinks yahoo in its entirety will probably be gone soon,
a shame since I liked their groups
Probably their best invention since you could evade the whole fbook
I used Yahoo in '94/95 when my only internet access was a text-only browser. By the time I had a graphical browser in '96, Yahoo was already obsolete. Amazing that it's lingered as long as it has.
Nubo said:
I used Yahoo in '94/95 when my only internet access was a text-only browser. By the time I had a graphical browser in '96, Yahoo was already obsolete. Amazing that it's lingered as long as it has.

Yet yahoo’s peak was 5 years later (followed aols trend line)

My only interest in them was their technical groups and email, and a lot of folks were far to yahoo centric into the early 2ks never understood why.

Even in the 90’s their search engine was useless but many of their communities were quite useful .

Odd part is yahoo’s most used and beloved properties were the first to be defunded and the most useless lingered
Good Lord,

That famous Babby mock non-sense is due to stuff I **** posted after being extremely disappointed with how people rot engrish qestion there.

Not sure if I should be ashamed or proud of my active efforts to mock how people wrote on Yahoo answers.

Not my best work either (I had modified dozens of perfectly logical paragraphs into nonsense for that site) my Pesident Grog Brush Irate gwar response to the protect the troops guy was better
but I guess if I gave folks a laugh whatever

Amusing to see my old work creating copy pasta for 6 years and never realizing

Ah well probably best they didn’t figure out I was “that guy” that originated the cavemansplain.

Sorry for your lots.