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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2017
Boulder, CO
I'm sad to hear about the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was a true American in my opinion and she will be sorely missed. She was supposedly a good friend of Antonin Scalia. May they both rest in peace.
People aren't replying because it's just so damned depressing. She wanted to outlast Trump, but now McConnell - the biggest hypocrite in modern history - will be ramming a right wing asshole through confirmation before November.
I'd say the lack of replies are due to it being bound to get political.

Yes, Moscow Mitch, the hypocrite, even last year said And, he reiterated this today: I fear you are right as (from what it sounds like at work) the Dems are powerless to stop it. :( Hope they can stall for enough time and throw Moscow Mitch's words and behavior back at him.

Over at TivoCommunity, where political discussion isn't allowed outside a paid members area (I'm not one), someone posted "Sad news for her and her family. Great news for the country." :roll: You might imagine how that turned out. The thread RIP RBG thread got quickly locked a few posts after that.
goldbrick said:
I'm sad to hear about the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was a true American in my opinion and she will be sorely missed. She was supposedly a good friend of Antonin Scalia. May they both rest in peace.

+1, Well Said! She blazed a path and opened doors for women in law and was a champion of civil rights. She will be missed on the Court and by America. May she rest in peace.
I hope the Dems stay away from underhanded tricks regarding the appointment. It will just give Trump more ammunition for the election. I know a lot of people are saying to play just as dirty as the GOP. That's a bad road, imho.
The underhanded trick here would be trying to appoint someone before January, given the blocking of Gorsuch by McConnell and the stated reason for that. I agree that they should try to avoid dirty tricks, but civil disobedience would NOT fall into that category.

The dirty trick I expect.
LeftieBiker said:
The underhanded trick here would be trying to appoint someone before January, given the blocking of Gorsuch by McConnell and the stated reason for that. I agree that they should try to avoid dirty tricks, but civil disobedience would NOT fall into that category.

The GOP were defying the spirit of the Constitution with Gorsuch, but Tit for Tat just leads us down the road of having 2 morally bankrupt parties. One is enough. With two there is no hope at all.
Nubo said:
LeftieBiker said:
The underhanded trick here would be trying to appoint someone before January, given the blocking of Gorsuch by McConnell and the stated reason for that. I agree that they should try to avoid dirty tricks, but civil disobedience would NOT fall into that category.

The GOP were defying the spirit of the Constitution with Gorsuch, but Tit for Tat just leads us down the road of having 2 morally bankrupt parties. One is enough. With two there is no hope at all.

No, with one party out of two totally corrupt there is no hope now - they can get whatever they want as long as they are in power, and even sometimes when not, if they can block the majority party. The moral high ground means little when it's located in a distant pit. The country is in the shape it's in precisely because, with the election of Reagan (or perhaps Nixon), the Republicans started to abandon any sense of decency. They have also managed to impart their worldview on a majority of the younger people in the country, to some degree.
LeftieBiker said:
WetEV said:

The dirty trick I expect.

Paywall. Excerpt?
Trump: "maybe I'll sign an executive order that you cannot have him{Biden} as your president."

The president, no less than Putin’s political warriors, infects the American body politic with falsehoods, inflaming anger, poisoning discourse. Trump’s billion-dollar reelection operation uses digital disinformation strategies adopted from the Russians. His response to the coronavirus is a torrent of lying and denying, evoking the Soviet reaction to Chernobyl. With the Kremlin backing Trump as the chaos candidate, there is no foretelling the lengths he will go to stay in power, how he will react if and when the people put an end to his presidency, whether he will surrender the White House peacefully if defeated, or rule as a despot if he prevails.
Executive Order? HAHA! Since Trump has already claimed to have WON the Nobel Peace Prize (at a rally in Fayetteville, NC on Saturday), he's probably considering an Executive Order proclaiming himself as RBG's replacement!!!
LeftieBiker said:
WetEV said:

The dirty trick I expect.

Paywall. Excerpt?

With Forbes just stop JavaScript timers after the page loads. With my browser that's Shift-ESC. It stops their page lock seconds later.
There is actually a solution, which I'm sure a few here must have read already.

Assuming a justice is put in, the democrats could expand the size of the court next term.

The supreme court size is NOT constitutionally set. The senate sets it.

IF the democrats won the white house, and if they won the senate, and if they all decided to do so - they could expand the court to 11 and then seat 2 justices. Or 13. Or 50 as far as I know.

Now one could argue that's a slippery slope bucking tradition and inviting others to do it again later, but as far as I understand, it is perfectly legal.
Schumer has already, IIRC, mentioned expanding the court as an option, and then packing it. Fine with me - if it can be done, which would require winning the Senate with a few seats to spare, which is, alas, unlikely.