Star Trek virtual meets/watch alongs with actors or notable staff

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2011
SF Bay Area, CA
I started a thread for TNG actors/staff at

Awhile back, there was a watch-along of First Contact with Frakes (Riker and director of that movie) which was recorded and on YouTube.

There are two notable virtual meets coming up, one tomorrow. I did see the one w/Marina Sirtis and Brent Spiner recently.
Engage! Join the crew of the Starship Enterprise, it’s continuing mission to bring Cmdr. William Riker, Lt. Tasha Yar, and Q for a one-of-a-kind Live Streamed Q&A with GalaxyCon Live. Join Jonathan Frakes, Denise Crosby, and John de Lancie Saturday, June 13th, at 2 pm ET. to boldly go where no one has gone before!
Engage! Join the crew of the Starship Enterprise, it’s continuing mission to bring Lt. Cmdr. Data, Dr. Beverly Crusher, and Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge for a one-of-a-kind Live Streamed Q&A with GalaxyCon Live. Join Brent Spiner, Gates McFadden, and LeVar Burton on Saturday, June 20th, at 2 pm ET to boldly go where no one has gone before

As I posted at the TCF thread, this outfit previously did NOT record and post these streams but it seems they've changed their mind about that per

Anyway, post/discuss them or similar virtual Trek meets here.
I'm going to be watching on July 5th.
Join your favorite Doctors from the Star Trek universe! Gates McFadden, John Billingsley, Alexander Siddig, Robert Picardo, and Wilson Cruz unite for a live stream Q&A on Sunday, July 5th, at 2 pm ET
In the middle of watching the meet w/the doctors. The actor who plays Dr. Phlox is pretty funny. He's dropped the F-bomb a few times.

Gates has told two funny stories, so far.
I'm sorry, but no Diana Muldaur and I won't watch.

Just kidding. I never really liked McFadden either, though, nor any of the doctors other than Phlox.
One funny story from Gates is about how she was hospitalized once and the doctor called her "Dr. Crusher" then went on to treat her like a colleague. The real doctor went over what they're going to do and so on...

She mentioned another story about a convention (IIRC) I think in Germany where someone passed out and someone said something like "you're a doctor. Do something!" She was like "uh... I just play a doctor."

Robert Picardo (EMH on Voyager) brought up which I totally forgot about. I need to finish rewatching this ep. There was an incident where EMH ended up inside Seven (as he put in "not in a fun way" :lol:) and was controlling her. I've rewatched a few parts of that so far and it was very funny to see Seven acting totally out of character.
The Shatner one this morning was a bit of a letdown as I hoped he'd actually talk about Trek. I made some comments at If/when I reach 89 years of age, I'd hope I'm as functional as he is at 89. Amazing!

From vs, Nimoy and Shatner were born within days of each other yet, Nimoy died in 2015 while Shatner still seems to be going strong. Unfortunately, Nimoy's smoking probably is what helped contribute to his early demise.
LeftieBiker said:
I'm sorry, but no Diana Muldaur and I won't watch.

Just kidding. I never really liked McFadden either, though, nor any of the doctors other than Phlox.

Not even Dr. Boyce?
That's ok. I'm pretty sure he wasn't on My Three Sons, either.

Speaking of pilots that were as good as or better than the revamped series that followed: if you've never seen the pilot for "Lost In Space" then do so, with all haste. The series was conceived as serious SF, and the pilot was very good for the era. Then Irwin Allen got his hands all over it and...well you know. Ah, what could have been...
cwerdna said:
Dr. Boyce would've been impossible. Per, the actor died in 1991.

Impossible for what? I was just asking if he liked him as a doctor/character.
I was saying that it'd be impossible for the actor who played Dr. Boyce to be in a virtual meet unless it were done before he passed away. has one "airing" 7/23 at 10 am.

I'm unclear how many people it will really have. says
Star Trek Universe
Space is still the final frontier. This panel brings together cast members and producers from Star Trek: Discovery, new animated series Star Trek: Lower Decks and Star Trek: Picard. Participants will include Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, Jeri Ryan, Marina Sirtis, Sonequa Martin-Green, Michelle Yeoh, Wilson Cruz, Rebecca Romijn, Mike McMahan and more. Engage!
Thursday, July 23, 10 a.m. PT
Per, "Virtual San Diego Comic-Con 2020 Will Be Almost Entirely Prerecorded".

It does look like ones that have already aired are still available is a bit different.
Pop Culture Icons and stars of Better Late Than Never, William Shatner, and Henry Winkler join us for an exclusive GalaxyCon Live interview on Saturday, August 29th at 2pm ET. One-on-One Video Chats and Autographs are also available
I did watch both seasons of that show. Was quite funny.
As I posted at, you can watch Star Trek Day (Sept 8th) panels up on YouTube now.
There are two TNG panels this weekend.
Saturday September 19th 12pm ET
Jonathan Frakes “Commander Riker”
John de Lancie “Q”
Gates McFadden “Dr. Beverly Crusher”

Sunday September 20th 2pm ET
Marina Sirtis “Deanna Troi”
Denise Crosby “Tasha Yar”
Brent Spiner “Commander Data”

cwerdna said:
One funny story from Gates is about how she was hospitalized once and the doctor called her "Dr. Crusher" then went on to treat her like a colleague. The real doctor went over what they're going to do and so on...

She mentioned another story about a convention (IIRC) I think in Germany where someone passed out and someone said something like "you're a doctor. Do something!" She was like "uh... I just play a doctor."
The GalaxyCon Live folks do seem to pull down some of their videos eventually. Not sure about their algorithm (e.g. oldest ones, actor doing another panel, contract, etc.)

Most of the ones at are dead now. If you don’t catch the panel live, make sure you catch the video on their YouTube channel before it gets yanked.

I'd wanted to point to the video w/the above two stories and it was either never posted or yanked... :(
Was interesting to learn over a weekend panel that Denise Crosby had auditioned for Ghostbusters in Sigourney Weaver’s role. She said there’s some plan to put together some big disc box set celebrating some anniversary of the movie and they found her audition tape, which they’ll be including.

And, Brent Spiner auditioned for Handmaid’s Tale for Bradley Whitford’s role but didn’t get it. It came up in a question about ideas for crossovers (e.g. Star Trek w/Handmaid’s Tale).