Only Math Is Real...?

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Well-known member
Staff member
May 22, 2013
Upstate New York, US

This isn't a new concept, but the available evidence is pointing more and more directly towards the possibility that nothing - including matter and energy - is real: that only the underlying relationships between and within them exist as immutable er, "things." I remember that in one of my favorite hard SF novels, "Anvil of Stars" (A sequel to "The Forge of God") by the time the final battle occurs, both sides have learned to change matter to antimatter just by "editing" the descriptions of the matter being changed, from a distance. Pretty far out there at the time, but maybe not quite so much now...
Somehow when I read this I was reminded of my favorite bumper sticker here in Boulder, CO (where practicing Buddhism isn't unusual)

Honk if you don't exist.