Star Trek: Discovery (possible spoilers)

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2011
SF Bay Area, CA
Anyone watching? I'm all caught up with w/the latest ep (#9 "Into the Forest I Go"). That ep was a mid-season finale and we won't see any new eps until January.

Even though it's so different than all other Trek shows before it, I'm still enjoying it. You just have to let some of the YATI (Yet Another Trek Inconsistency) and canon issues, beside the tech and Klingons vs. TOS not bother you too much.

Warning: This thread could have spoilers for anyone not caught up to the current ep. Best not to spoil any major plot points (if they exist in the wild, possibly as rumors) that are in future not yet aired eps.
I saw most of the premiere, until it got lopped off, and didn't much like it. I really didn't like the Klingons. J.J. Abrams and Co. were a bad choice for this franchise, and as soon as I saw that they were using a converted distillery for the engineering deck (and no doubt saving a million or three dollars for their own pockets) in the first movie, I cringed. I'm not a Trekkie, but I DO have sci-fi standards. And I am most certainly NOT going to subscribe to a crappy streaming service just to watch one show. I'll watch it eventually on DVD.
Ep 2 had a lot of action.

The converted distillery hasn't been used at all in ST:D (haha).

This show takes places 10 years before TOS and supposedly, this show doesn't take place in JJ-verse (aka now called the "Kelvin timeline"). I have to admit it's confusing given the look of the ships, esp. the bridge. The bridges look more like those from JJ-verse reboot #1, namely the USS Kelvin (
Anyone still watching? Ep 10 ("Despite Yourself), the 1st ep after the hiatus was very good. It was also directed by Jonathan Frakes (aka Commander Riker). mentions that their cast was "dying to work with him".

Too bad this site doesn't have spoiler tags like TiVocommunity. I'll try to hide a spoiler.

-- attempt hiding -- (select text to view)
It's in the evil parallel mirror universe.
-- end attempt --

They really gave a good script to Frrakes to work with.
Select text for spoiler: The doctor takes the ex-POW alone into a room and tells him that they not only tortured him, but that they changed me and he's not really himself anymore. He does this alone, with no security? I saw his death coming. :roll:
Regarding the above point.... in After Trek, there are strong hints that (select text on a desktop browser to see) Dr. Culber is coming back, somehow.

Ep 11 was weaker but had a nice twist at the end. I really wonder how Discovery is going get back their normal universe. I wonder if we'll get to see the inside of the Defiant.
jlv said:
I thought they showed the inside on the Defiant on Enterprise.
Yes. In fact all of part 2 of In a Mirror, Darkly was on Defiant.

What I'm getting at is, will they show it again? If so, will it be all retro like the TOS sets or will be totally different and be similar to the bridges we're seeing in seeing on ST:D?
Regarding the ep "Vaulting Ambition", wow! I never saw it coming w/Lorca.

Was pretty cool to see more of the evil Terran empire.

This show is so dark and even more so w/the evil parallel universe eps. If Gene were alive, I don't think he'd approve of the concept of ST:D at all.
cwerdna said:
Was pretty cool to see more of the evil Terran empire.

This show is so dark and even more so w/the evil parallel universe eps. If Gene were alive, I don't think he'd approve of the concept of ST:D at all.

Yeah, they have to be bad if they pick Kelpiens to eat like we pick lobsters in a tank!!
'Star Trek: Discovery' replaces its showrunners (again)
Berg and Harberts are out following claims of abuse and overspending, said THR.

Berg and Harberts were regularly on After Trek and it was interesting to have their insight.

CBS just replaced Fuller's replacements, Gretchen Berg and Aaron Harberts. Executive producer and co-creator Alex Kurtzman, a Star Trek veteran of both films and TV shows, will take over the role.
Is this show ever going to come out for rental on DVD? I have zero interest in subscribing, or of buying new DVDs, but I'd like to rent them - maybe when I finish Game of Thrones.

I don't know a lot about Kurtzman, but since I can't stand Abrams, I suspect that he (Kurtzman) may be one of the people responsible for the parts of Fringe that I liked.
It's certainly not worth buying - I really wasn't impressed.

Now, The Expanse has been something to get excited about!
Too bad I don't live in So Cal, otherwise I'd drop by to check this out:

More news about ST:D, season 2. - this and the next link have pointers to a new S2 trailer

When browsing comments on the net, it is quite funny that those who dislike/hate the show or business model (for those in the US) will keep referring to the show as STD. :lol:
LeftieBiker said:
It's baaack! I might even go, if it isn't over my car's diminishing range.

For the authentic pre-STD experience:
Back? I just first learned of it a few months ago and really want to go. Problem is, I don't want fly across the country only for that.

I looked at and and am not sure what else to visit. I've already visited Boston, Philly, NYC (several times, including in the past 2 years), Washington DC (several times) and the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. Didn't notice anything in Toronto that interests me (went there LONG ago).

Thinking I might just make it a trip to (near Tuscon, AZ, part of Star Trek: First Contact was filmed there) then Houston for Johnson Space Center then the above tour.

Was surprised when browsing thru old photos for that "Doc Willie" of Priuschat ( fame has been a presenter and will be again: I met him at Prius Connection Detroit in Jan 2009 (Gen 3 Prius unveiling). He showed up on the 1st meeting day in Star Trek uniform.

I'm right now contemplating where I want to go to in Vegas. Lots of ST:D actors this time. Plane tix have become more than I want to pay, so I guess I'll need to drive. It's over 500 miles/one way. I already looked into other methods (e.g. bus or train) and they're either too long and/or costly. I went years ago to the Vegas convention, well before ST:D existed.
Upstate NY isn't worth visiting from the West Coast unless you like slightly to moderately polluted rivers and lakes, very large forests, Woodchucks (the Northern version of the Redneck, also a very fat, very large rodent) and black flies. Canada isn't far from Ticonderoga, so I'd suggest flying to Montreal or Toronto and driving South to the exhibit. Burlington Vermont is also supposed to be nice. It's just a bit too far for me to have ever visited.
LOL. I've been to Montreal ages ago as I have relatives there but I don't speak nor reach French.

As for Toronto, have been there ages ago before and am not sure there's much of interest for me to see there either. I have two co-workers from there though. Will need to ask them for suggestions.