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My Nissan Leaf Forum

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  1. T

    Higher Ground Clearance

    Dear Nissan, so many people have had a bad experience with their honda insights and priuses at speed bumps when a car is fully loaded with four or five adults. Hopefully Nissan Leaf will have between 6 and 7 inches (about 16cm) of ground clearance so that we could drive comfortably in deeper...
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    Annoying warning chime for pedestrians!

    Howdy Sir, Recently this annoying chime has been one of the topics for new hybrids and EV's in order to protect pedestrians?! Is this really necessary and what kind of warning chime sounds are we to expect in future from nissan leaf?
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    Battery endurance for every day commuting

    Hello Nissan representative, me and my wife are wondering if the range capacity of maximum 160km per charge will remain after years of everyday commute of about 70km? And if the battery's capacity will decline with frequent usage what kind of decline are we talking about, say after4-5 years...
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    Why official US nissan page sucks so much?

    They urge you to ask any question on their front page and they promise an answer within a reasonable time frame. I asked at least 3 questions starting 2 months back and never got an answer posted. This is their page: So, try it for yourself...
  5. T

    Longer range option

    At the moment Nissan Leaf says the Leaf will have 100 miles (160km) driving range or a few miles more which depends on driving conditions. Do you think it would be nice if Nissan could add more range (extra battery or larger battery pack) as an option at the dealership?