Battery degradation info, 80% vs. 100% daily charge

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planet4ever said:
I wonder if we might not have a semantic confusion here. Perhaps by "fully charging" the Nissan engineer meant 4.2v, while the LEAF literature means "all you can stuff in at 4.1v" when it refers to 100% charging.
Good point. If the engineer was trying to make the point about why 100% charging was a bad idea it would have been natural for him to use the higher 4.2v charging as an illustration. It's quite dramatic and definitely gets your attention.
Ok confession time....
the biggest reason I rarely charge to 100% is because during the last stage of charging during the trickle down phase. I am receiving less charge but my static overhead for charge cooling is the same which lowers my overall efficiency.

My goal is 83% and currently running about 82.7% so just abouttttt there! !