Leaf coming in 2 hrs...can't sleep!

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Aug 2, 2012
:ugeek: I knew this would happen. My 2012 SL is being delivered from Memphis is 2 hours.
I got about 3 hours of sleep last night and I'm up at 5 AM... no way can I sleep waiting
for "EeeVvv" to arrive! I actually bought the Leaf while just driving through Memphis on a trip.
Guess I might loose another night of sleep tonight after my first exciting day!

Bob - Hot Springs
Congrats, welcome to the future! This is going to be a memorable experience. Please consider starting a blog or share your experience on Facebook or here on the forum.
Congrats! I had a similar sleeping experience, after waiting 13 months, the dealer called on May 2 and said my car was at the dealer. I drove down immediately and did all paperwork, but couldn't drive the car home until they cleaned it up, and charged it overnight.

I was there at 8am the next morning.
Way to go! Makes me feel like a slacker for sleeping before mine. Although I think the obsessive checking online every day for a different delivery date for a month might make up for it =)

Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy mine.
You're stronger than me. I signed up in Aug 2010 but couldn't handle the wait. Then last December my wife decided I'd talked enough about it and LEAF was my Christmas present; it all happened in a couple of hours :D

I still feel a lot of that excitement. Don't be discouraged by the discussions currently raging. I think most of us get animated in those threads because we're really rooting for Nissan, the car and the technology.
:ugeek: Wow Guys- Thanks for the moral support! Well, delivery was ahead of schedule at 8:18AM today. It was delivered on a
just-big-enough flat-bed pulled by a Jeep (213 miles). I drove it off without a hitch and it had a 10 bar charge on it. I took in into town and let some friends drive it. Managed 5.4 M/KWH (AC on half the 29 mi trip).
This SL was a demo with 950 miles on it... no biggie. Just broken-in.

Time to set up all the electronics.


Being I'm retired and wouldn't get the full tax credit, I opted for technically used.. giving me the credit off the top plus a few grand for the miles on it. Hopefully I can get my free Carwings time. Being all my driving is optional and I live in a small town, it should suit me fine.
Next thing is to sell my old GEM electric car and convert that into an 1800W grid-tie system to cover the Leaf's power usage.
(1800W solar = 250 KWH/Mo. easy....total cost about $4200 net for parts)

Nasty thing is that Arkansas is now the center of the Dust-Bowl heat wave. It's 108F every day now.. big trees dieing. I won't be able to even charge it until past midnight (under 90F). Oh yeah, I'm going to stick with the L1 charging for now, but get the L2 mod to my charge brickette in a few weeks. From my experience with large RC Lithium batts, the slower and cooler you charge them, the happier they are. Out to the car to play with the buttons!

Bob- Hot Springs :D
Great post Bob, hope you enjoy your LEAF. Like you i also went from an NEV/Prius household (ZENN) to a LEAF/Prius household. it has worked very well so far!
Congratulations Bob! Since you're in the heat, make sure you read/learn as much as possible here. If you're keeping the Leaf for a long time, baby the battery, keeping it as cool as possible in the summer and cycling the charging between 4-8 bars as best you can (instead of fully topped up at 10-12 bars just in case). I normally drive about 10-20 mi/day (I'm approaching my one year anniversary and have less than 7000 miles) and only charge with the L1 (120 V) cable that came with the car. I charge about 2 hr each night (3am-5am) and then add extra as need if I decide to drive more that day. Very soon you will understand your needs and easily match your charging/driving. Although, watch out for the EV grin and "need" to drive at every seeming opportunity.

GreenPowerVideos said:
:ugeek: Wow Guys- Thanks for the moral support! Well, delivery was ahead of schedule at 8:18AM today. It was delivered on a
just-big-enough flat-bed pulled by a Jeep (213 miles). I drove it off without a hitch and it had a 10 bar charge on it. I took in into town and let some friends drive it. Managed 5.4 M/KWH (AC on half the 29 mi trip).
This SL was a demo with 950 miles on it... no biggie. Just broken-in.

Time to set up all the electronics.


Being I'm retired and wouldn't get the full tax credit, I opted for technically used.. giving me the credit off the top plus a few grand for the miles on it. Hopefully I can get my free Carwings time. Being all my driving is optional and I live in a small town, it should suit me fine.
Next thing is to sell my old GEM electric car and convert that into an 1800W grid-tie system to cover the Leaf's power usage.
(1800W solar = 250 KWH/Mo. easy....total cost about $4200 net for parts)

Nasty thing is that Arkansas is now the center of the Dust-Bowl heat wave. It's 108F every day now.. big trees dieing. I won't be able to even charge it until past midnight (under 90F). Oh yeah, I'm going to stick with the L1 charging for now, but get the L2 mod to my charge brickette in a few weeks. From my experience with large RC Lithium batts, the slower and cooler you charge them, the happier they are. Out to the car to play with the buttons!

Bob- Hot Springs :D

Wow if you have having those temps your Leaf battery will die as well. I thought by leaving my Leaf in my garage and not driving it on days above 90 degrees would save the batteries.. Boy was I wrong. Not only am I not able to enjoy driving it but it is also still degrading as it sits in the garage which at best is 10 degrees below the outside. I hope you have better luck where you live. Do you have GID meter? If you depend on othe cars capacity gauge then you will not know how bad the weather is doing to the car until you loose that first bar :(
Cool. Congrats!

I know what you mean about the dumb tax credit restrictions. I'm not working at the moment either, so I'd barely get any of the tax credit if I bought new.

If you could update your location info so we're not guessing in future posts...
Good job on the Leaf review.


Another thread discusses the merits of plug / unplug cycle v. drain of leaving EV plugged in when not in use. Gave me a justification to be lazy and leave it plugged in. :D
Nice video Bob! You may want to edit it though in a few places:
You have 110/220 where you live? We have 120/240 here and most of the country does also. Maybe you could remind people that when you charge using the supplied 120V EVSE, you can't precool/preheat the cabin.
When Carol was showing how to put the car in Drive mode, she said to just push the button which would be ACC mode (two pushes without foot on brake is On mode). She forgot to say with foot on the brake.
The cover is over the DC-AC inverter, not the motor. The motor is down below.
I hope this helps improve your awesome video.