Hello from Milwaukee WI

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Jan 28, 2014
Milwaukee/Muskego WI
Hello I have a plan to get a Nissan Leaf. Today I took a car for 24H test and I love but also I am scary we had -10F today and drove home with eco mode 24miles trip avg speed 30-40mpg I start with 66miles range got to home with 32miles.

My big worry is the time how long is take to recharge battery with OEM charger dealer said 12-20 hrs for 100% battery

If I`ll get this product will help and charge my leaf in 4 hrs ? http://evseupgrade.com/?main_page=index&cPath=1&zenid=bf2fv9a563um1jhdtk902eiub2" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
48 miles round trip?

My daily commute is 52 miles, in 9 months that I owned the LEAF I had to charge it 10 times so that I would make it home at night because I drove more than 52 miles or it was really cold out.

Are there any Level 2 charging stations near your work?

Usually I pre-heat the LEAF and drive to work with no heat at all. And then I use heat when I go home.

The other day I drove to a client that was 20 miles away. I started with 88 miles range and when I got there I had 58 left.

On the trip home I used heat and drove faster then going in and when i arrived home I had 19 miles left. So i used 39 miles range with heat on and driving faster.

I have the evse upgrade and I have installed a Level 2 EVSE in my garage, you can see pictures at my http://www.SALsLEAF.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; website
In Milwaukee we don`t have a lot of charging station and for sure nothing around my area :)

at work I can plug in my car that`s why I am asking if evse upgrade will charge leaf in 4-5 hrs for 100% ? is much different between evse upgrade and lvl 2 ?
Jakub84650 said:
why I am asking if evse upgrade will charge leaf in 4-5 hrs for 100% ? is much different between evse upgrade and lvl 2 ?

EVSE upgrade is level 2, as long as you're plugging into a 240-volt receptacle. This would provide you with 3.8-4.8 kW of charging power, enough to bring your LEAF from nearly empty to 100% in 4-6 hours. (Most public L2's run at 6.0-6.6 kw, so take only 3.5-4 hours for a full charge.)
thank you wow looks like having a leaf in home will be a good idea :) I will be us this car everyday trip to work and back to home will be 34-40miles a day and thats why was my big worry just have a full battery asap :)

I was scared today drive home and see on screen only 14 miles to E battery :)
So as Berlino states you'll need a 208V to 240V connection at work to charge the LEAF in 6 hours. It won't magically charge faster on a 120V plug.

Do you have a 208V to 240V receptacle at work?

Jakub84650 said:
In Milwaukee we don`t have a lot of charging station and for sure nothing around my area :)

at work I can plug in my car that`s why I am asking if evse upgrade will charge leaf in 4-5 hrs for 100% ? is much different between evse upgrade and lvl 2 ?
Yes. You should be good. Evseupgrade sells adapters to plug into the most common receptacles. They should have one for the dryer outlet.

http://evseupgrade.com/?main_page=index&cPath=7&zenid=rrqgpil203t87q9o1l2fadib46" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Lasareath said:
I have the evse upgrade and I have installed a Level 2 EVSE in my garage, you can see pictures at my http://www.SALsLEAF.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; website

I just ordered a Leaf, and am trying to sort out the EVSE issues.

Why did you get both the upgrade and a Level 2 for the garage? Couldn't you just put a dryer outlet in the garage and plug your upgraded EVSE into it?

Which Level 2 did you choose, and why?

I like Leviton products and I figured that eventually my future EV will accept 10kWh charging input.

It was only $1100.00

Graycenphil said:
Thanks Sal. Why did you choose the EVB40? There seem to be much less expensive units that do the same thing?
Graycenphil said:
Why did you get both the upgrade and a Level 2 for the garage? Couldn't you just put a dryer outlet in the garage and plug your upgraded EVSE into it?

I think I will stay with this option have a dryer outlet in garage and I have one in work I hope it will charger my leaf in 5 hrs
Hi Jakub,

I assume your dryer is electric? (220-240V). That's what you'll need to do level 2 charging with the EVSE Upgrade.

Milwaukee eh? I used to live there. Great food---friendly folks---nice summers---winters SUCK! :p
Yes it will be 220-240V :) Yeah and i think that`s why I had a bad range with this leaf because -17F yesterday :)I charged leaf in garage all night for this moment is 93% full charge and on screen show`s I can make 70 miles

And yes winter specially this year is suck ! :)
Jakub, welcome! Spend time surfing this site and you will find more information about EVs and charging than you ever thought possible. Good luck, and feel free to ask more questions.

It is not absolutely necessary to "fill" the battery every time. Most of the time (except extreme winter cold) you should be able to make the 40 mi round trip on a single charge from home. In this situation, the Leaf and charging at home is a perfect fit for you.

However, in winter, especially -15 F, you will need to charge both at home and at work to feel comfortable with the range (and to use the heater). If you are hardy mid-westerner, and used to wearing heavy winter clothes, you can probably get away with minimal heat. I typically wear my coat and normal winter cloths, but my biggest problem is cold feet. I don't like to drive in heavy winter boots because braking and accelerating requires more care in heavy boots.

I would suggest that you get a charging station installed at home in addition to the supplied level 1 (L1) 120 V, 12 Amp cord. Although the EVSEupgrade.com product is very good, I would not recommend it as your only method of charging. Imagine that it's -20F outside (hmmm, doesn't require too much imagination does it?), you go out and unplug your EVSEupgrade.com cord, coil up the stiff, cold, dirty cord and place it into the back of the Leaf. Drive to work, get out and uncoil the same cord, plug into a socket at work (with the appropriate adapter) in the snow. Work for 8 hrs, then repeat the process, again with a stiff, cold, dirty cord in the snow/ice and extreme cold. Repeat daily for 3 months every winter. Sorry, that's not my idea of fun.

At a minimum, get a permanent 240 L2 charging station installed at home (or purchase an extra EVSEupgrade.com cord and leave it mounted at home). Also, remember that the EVSEupgrade is not recommended for use outside, in wet conditions, or with extension cords (*Note: Yes, it's possible to use it that way, but you should be careful and not leave it unattended or have the proper gauge extension cord).

EDIT: Do a search for Kubel and review some of his posts. He has a similar commute and temps. I think he is charging with L1 (120 V, 12 Amp) while at work. In this case, you might get 8 hrs = 8 KWH of charge while at work, or about 1/3 of the battery (4/12 bars). In very cold weather, that might give you somewhere between 15-20 miles of range. If you charge at home overnight on L1, you might get another 12 KWH, so you wouldn't be able to completely fill the battery. In such cold areas, some form of L2 (240 V either 16, 20, 25, or 30 amps) is required. Remember, the wall can only supply so much and the car can only accept so much electricity. Try to match the two, but it's not absolutely mandatory, you just need to re-fill the battery for the next day's use. For example, I charge on L1 exclusively but I only have a 8 mi RT commute so I only need a couple of hours (even on the coldest days) to re-fill the battery. However, it does take a full 20-21 hours to fill the battery from completely empty (which I've only done twice just as an experiment).
I used to live there, too, and still have some friends who I'm trying to convert/upgrade to electric! So far they are too timid, so I applaud your adventurous attitude and will follow your journey if you continue to share.

Do you have a quick-charge port, btw? Looking at Plugshare just now (you know about Plugshare, I trust!), I see that there is ONE DC quick charger in the area, in New Berlin, and that may be a convenient location for you.

ps. 'Delivery date' in your profile refers to when your LEAF came into your life, not when you came into the world. But maybe you know that... LOL
Reddy said:
to the supplied level 1 (L1) 120 V, 12 Amp cord. Although the EVSEupgrade.com product is very good, I would not recommend it as your only method of charging. Imagine that it's -20F outside (hmmm, doesn't require too much imagination does it?), you go out and unplug your EVSEupgrade.com cord, coil up the stiff, cold, dirty cord and place it into the back of the Leaf. Drive to work, get out and uncoil the same cord, plug into a socket at work (with the appropriate adapter) in the snow. Work for 8 hrs, then repeat the process, again with a stiff, cold, dirty cord in the snow/ice and extreme cold. Repeat daily for 3 months every winter. Sorry, that's not my idea of fun.

At a minimum, get a permanent 240 L2 charging station installed at home (or purchase an extra EVSEupgrade.com cord and leave it mounted at home). Also, remember that the EVSEupgrade is not recommended for use outside, in wet conditions, or with extension cords (*Note: Yes, it's possible to use it that way, but you should be careful and not leave it unattended or have the proper gauge extension cord).

Thank you for some suggestion, I never had before electric car and I am just worry to not be a stock on the road somewhere :) hahaha but btw I think I`ll try to live first with lvl 1 to charge home and work my car and latter install in home charger. how much you are guys paying more for electricity bil

Mbender Yeah I know that :) I will change that when i decide to get a leaf or no also S or SV its much different I don`t care about GPS or leather :) I have this in my INIFNITI G35:)
Jakub84650 said:
Thank you for some suggestion, I never had before electric car and I am just worry to not be a stock on the road somewhere :) hahaha but btw I think I`ll try to live first with lvl 1 to charge home and work my car and latter install in home charger. how much you are guys paying more for electricity bil
Easy to calculate. Assume: 40 mi drive / 4 mi/kWh x $0.10/ kWh = $1.00 per day, so maybe $10-20/mo depending upon your driving distance, speed, style and electricity costs. In the cold, you'll get closer to 2 mi/kWh, so double your cost.

Be advised that 40 mi RT commute with L1 will be marginal at best, but you won't be able to preheat very much (only about 1.2 KW of heat. You will likely need 3-5 KW heat to actually warm the car). If you can charge at work, then you'll probably be fine, except for the most extreme times.

Check http://www.plugshare.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; for charging stations located around your area and consider buying/leasing from a dealer who is on the route that you might drive for either work or pleasure. That way you can "stop by" for a boost charge if you ever need one. Also, get the SV or SL model and NOT the S so that you can have more efficient heating. Also, if you plan on needing to get a boost charge periodically, then you should get the 6 KW charger in the car, and not the 3.3 KW charger (there are lots of options, so look closely).