MNL vs. other Leaf social media

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2011
SF Bay Area, CA
Anyone participate in other Leaf social media besides MNL such as various Leaf Facebook groups? Examples below.

It seems for one other than the 1st two, there are quite a few newbie questions (and newbie confusion e.g. about the GOM which they don't realize is a GOM), which I can totally understand. We were all newbs at one point.

What's a bit annoying and disturbing is that on those latter groups, to me, there seems to be a lot more misinformation and misinformed folks replying than here on MNL. If often takes a slew of people to reply with or arrive at the correct answer. Anyone else see this? Any other good Leaf social media that is at least somewhat US-centric?
I'm in the Leaf Group That Must Not Be Named, but I avoid social media like the plague. I suggest that you come up with a short text string to redirect newbies to this site. Or we could put more effort into writing FAQ-type documents that could be posted around the web. I'll go add an attribution/permission to my Tips & Tricks post, and you can use that, for starters.
LeftieBiker said:
I'm in the Leaf Group That Must Not Be Named, but I avoid social media like the plague.
??? on the first part.

Arguably, MNL and other web-based forums that are open to anyone who applies/just visits are also part of social media.
LeftieBiker said:
I suggest that you come up with a short text string to redirect newbies to this site.
I frequently point people to threads or posts on MNL, if they have the answer or directly relate.

In a TINY fraction (under a handful of cases), I've seen a few folks react negatively to driving traffic to MNL. :roll:
LeftieBiker said:
Or we could put more effort into writing FAQ-type documents that could be posted around the web. I'll go add an attribution/permission to my Tips & Tricks post, and you can use that, for starters.
Yes, that could help.

As I said, the amount of confusion (e.g. my car only charges up to ___ miles when it charged up to ___ miles before) and sometimes misinformed/blatantly wrong replies is annoying. Worst part is when and others have gone thru a lot of effort to try to answer only to be attacked by the OP for "mansplaining". :roll: Needless to say, I bowed out at that point. No thanks. Life is too short for that.
im staying here for 1 big reason. I use facebook for logging into websites that gives me the choice of using that or creating an account. Nothing else. I can't handle facebook's drama and getting political BS from "friends" we get enough on this forum.
I seem to be one of a very small number of people who succeeded in extracting themselves completely from Facebook. I later created a couple of profiles not in my name - and then lost access when I switched PCs without writing down the logins. My brain is going, I'm afraid. Still, I have no desire to return.

Given the recent terrible post by The ChargePoint Team (who I assume are a couple of interns) on buying a used Leaf, we really need a FAQ on that subject. Or we at least need the author of the one guide that is close to accurate to update and correct his document. They really need to include warnings about the 30kwh packs.
Oh, and the other group is the newest incarnation of the Global Leaf Advisory Board. It's pretty quiet, but at least it seems to have international membership. I'm not sure why I was invited.
No, I distinctly remember not knowing at the time. Actually, I figured everyone was, but there was an admonition to not mention it, so I waited, and, well I still don't know. It isn't as if there were too many people there, believe me. There still aren't.
LeftieBiker said:
Oh, and the other group is the newest incarnation of the Global Leaf Advisory Board. It's pretty quiet, but at least it seems to have international membership. I'm not sure why I was invited.
It did have international membership before.

Congrats! It's always good to have a good cross-section of Leaf owners/drivers, not just folks from say the West Coast or the US only. And, it is good to have a rotation so that there are new perspectives. And, there are certain things that will be recurring, which are also good data points for Nissan corporate.
BTW, what's a bit annoying is this new one... At, this guy has an '11 Leaf where he said "My 2011 Leaf just turned over 60,000 miles..still has original tires and brakes...of course I am down to 5 bars." Yet, he actually has 7 capacity bars showing in his pic. For some reason, from dialogue via coments, he doesn't count the 2 red capacity bars. :roll:

Really? If he's had his Leaf for 60K miles...
I guess I should invent another FB account. They actually contacted me last week, offering to help me get back into one of my old accounts, but when I tried to do it, they wanted me to have three people I know send them codes. There may also have been something about ram's blood, so I abandoned that idea.
cwerdna said:
BTW, what's a bit annoying is this new one... At, this guy has an '11 Leaf where he said "My 2011 Leaf just turned over 60,000 miles..still has original tires and brakes...of course I am down to 5 bars." Yet, he actually has 7 capacity bars showing in his pic. For some reason, from dialogue via coments, he doesn't count the 2 red capacity bars. :roll:

Really? If he's had his Leaf for 60K miles...

I think he meant that he is down five bars, not down to five bars. He kinda got the word (to) accidentally stuck in there.
Evoforce said:
cwerdna said:
BTW, what's a bit annoying is this new one... At, this guy has an '11 Leaf where he said "My 2011 Leaf just turned over 60,000 miles..still has original tires and brakes...of course I am down to 5 bars." Yet, he actually has 7 capacity bars showing in his pic. For some reason, from dialogue via coments, he doesn't count the 2 red capacity bars. :roll:

Really? If he's had his Leaf for 60K miles...

I think he meant that he is down five bars, not down to five bars. He kinda got the word (to) accidentally stuck in there.
No, he meant it, if you read thru his comments. There were weird comments like "I have always treated the red two bars as a reserve" and claims like "But in talking to Nissan they refer only to the white."

Don't know who the "Nissan" is that he's referring to. A clueless dealer employee? Someone at Nissan corporate (also clueless)? Nissan's EV help line? Doesn't seem like he RTFMed.
cwerdna said:
BTW, what's a bit annoying is this new one... At, this guy has an '11 Leaf where he said "My 2011 Leaf just turned over 60,000 miles..still has original tires and brakes...of course I am down to 5 bars." Yet, he actually has 7 capacity bars showing in his pic. For some reason, from dialogue via coments, he doesn't count the 2 red capacity bars. :roll:

Really? If he's had his Leaf for 60K miles...
Social media is not known for proof reading, let alone accuracy. Try to correct grammar and watch the response. I see frequent errors in bar reporting that seem to originate from some people counting bars lost and others counting bars remaining. The FB poster you mention may have meant to write "... of course I am down 5 bars."

As for participating in FB -- no thanks.
Like another poster above, I have an account to use as a generic login elsewhere.
I don't do FB; I do promote/present on the Leaf when/where possible.
I had an article about my Leaf experience published last year in the IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine (specifically about my battery pack replacement). You are welcome to circulate it
Stanton said:
I don't do FB; I do promote/present on the Leaf when/where possible.
I had an article about my Leaf experience published last year in the IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine (specifically about my battery pack replacement). You are welcome to circulate it
Very nicely written article.
Here's another ugh.

Someone at wanted Leaf Spy info via a dealer as they're looking to buy used. Someone asks if the (worthless to the customer) battery report would cover it. :lol: :roll: :evil: Uh... of course not.

Someone else in thread again suggests the useless report and later he defends the worthless battery report!

I think the 8,000 member group was the one "started by Nissan" that was invitation only at startup and was directed ONLY to actual LEAF Drivers. It was moderated regularly by Nissan employees but they then opened it up and they apparently abandoned the site. This is when it went off the rails.

The issue with Facebook is its not moderated. Several sites have active moderators and generally do better but controlling content and comments has not worked well at all and a lot of it is due to how Facebook manages threads.

Too many comments meant to address the OP are interpreted as a comment to a MUCH later post. This causes a lot of confusion and misinformation.

A good example is a thread in the T3 group. It has become an amazingly frustrating circle jerk over the $7500 tax credit. At last count, I think the phrase "tax liability" was mentioned a dozen times but the most recent post asks a question about their W-2 form. IOW; A complete clusterfuck along with several people unable to let it go and repeating the same thing over and over so I get a notice someone responded "to me" and I click on that notice and get taken to the OP of a thread with 200 responses and I am left on my own to find it.
DaveinOlyWA said:
so I get a notice someone responded "to me" and I click on that notice and get taken to the OP of a thread with 200 responses and I am left on my own to find it.
I'm hitting that bug definitely on on Facebook's web site (and less so or not at all on their iOS client?) where when clicking on such a notification, I either only taken to the group and not even the thread or maybe just the OP of the thread, not the correct place (e.g. where the reaction or followup comment is). I think this started within the past few weeks.

In a few cases, on the iOS client, I get taken basically to a 404 error page, which is a head scratcher sometimes. It sometimes leaves me to wonder if the thread/comment got deleted (usually no) or if it's a different bug. In the past, Facebook was pretty "good" about auto-hiding/auto-deleting notifications for comments, threads, etc. that vanished or showing you an error to that effect.

All of these make active threads hard to follow.