Request: Charging stations on 3D maps when zoomed out

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2010
(Can someone forward this to Mark Perry?)

I mentioned the idea that it would be good to show charging station icons on the 3D maps, but just finally realized that they are there, but only when zoomed in. Typically I have the maps zoomed out to default levels and use the range 1/2 mile or 1 mile which don't show charging stations. If I zoom in to 1/8 or 1/16 then they show up.

So, in a way it is good news - the data is obviously there in the system - it just isn't trying to plot charging spots when you are seeing a large view. Hopefully they can update the mapping software so that you can see them when looking at a whole city or region view, not just down at the street level.

Here is an example seeing a charging spot when I am at 1/8 mile zoom:

Then I zoom out to 1/4 mile and it disappears:

Perhaps the map made more sense for dense urban Japan with high charge spot density.
But when I am driving the highway trying to pick which exit to take (to pick a charging spot), 1/8 mile zoom is not a large enough area.
Another example...

No charging stations here, right?:

(nothing to see... move along...)

Oh, but wait - what happens if I zoom in? :

Oh! There are a bunch of charging stations here!

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