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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2016
Virginia Beach, VA
I was a dumbass and forgot to charge my leaf last night. I did plug it in and set the timer but I neglected to actually turn on the circuit Lol. So I got ready to leave for work and realized I had 29% battery (according to dash) remaining and a 26 mile all highway commute to make.

Not wanting to sit around and wait hours to charge I decided to just go for it and try to get to the CHAdeMO at the Nissan dealership by my office. So I set the cruise at 55, got in the right lane, and tried to ignore the endless stream of pickup trucks running up on my bumper then hastily swerving around me.

Despite having my A/C on for the first 8 miles (another dumbass oversight, had it on yesterday when I ran to Kroger after work and forgot it was on) I actually made it to the CHAdeMO with 5% left and set a new personal best of 93 miles on a charge. Plus it added a little excitement to my otherwise boring weekday routine haha. I do wonder if I could have made it to 100 miles but this really wasn't the time to find out as I'm already gonna be a bit late due to my forgetfulness.

Another cool aspect of this was that I actually did get to verify that the CHAdeMO will take you from 0-80% in a half hour. I have always been somewhat skeptical of this claim because I always start charging at around 40% or more when I QC but I've gone from 5% to 80% in 25 minutes... Pretty impressive!

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