Is the new 240 volt EVSE current adjustable.

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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2015
Okanagan Valley British Columbia
Hi folks. As per the title. Is the EVSE (240 volt) that comes with the new SL Eplus current adjustable.

I am converting a 120 volt soffit plug that is on its own dedicated 15 amp breaker to a 240 volt. Max current will be 12 amps. If it is not adjustable to 12 amps I’ll just get a clipper creek LCS-15 EVSE like this. Feel free to poke holes in the plan. Leftie????


Pictures below show our current set up and 120 is fine...most of the time. But doubling the size of the battery as well as some upcoming driving pattern changes will make it a stretch. Doubling my charging rate will solve the problem. Should have added, we are replacing Angelas smart ED with either a Leaf SL eplus or a Model 3 Tesla LR RWD at some point in the next year. (We may be a two leaf family) :D

We have a 40 amp Juicebox on a 50 amp circuit for times when it is more pressing but most of our day to day charging is done in this parking spot.

Also (on edit), Does the new leaf eplus still charge at 6.6 KW or has it increased to 7.7 KW.



Thanks in advance.
If you want 12 amp 240v charging any older Panasonic made evse converted to 240v will work.
My original 2011 Panasonic made 12 amp brick that i converted to 240v is what I use to charge at home.
Cost to convert it was nothing compared to buying another one.
120v charging sucks it takes forever and is so inefficient.

I have been busy this month, as of yesterday, April 6 I had put 500 miles on my leaf for the month of april, at least 400 miles the leaf was pulling my trailer.
LeftieBiker said:
It isn't user adjustable. I don't know if it can be done with home surgery or not. I'd get the Clipper Creek unit.

Thanks Leftie. We’ll pick it up this fall when we are at our place down south.

Hey, I have seen some conflicting info on the on-board battery charger capacity. Is it a 6.6 or 7.7 KW charger....or something else.

Yes 12a is a lot harder to find than the real cheap 16a L2 EVSE you see. While Clipper Creek are kind of the defacto EVSE around here and I don't have anything bad to say about them quality wise, I don't like how they are basically one voltage/amperage and gives you no room for flexibility or future proofing. If you wanted 12a it really limits your choices but I did find this rather nice 120v/240v 8a, 12a, 16a model off Amazon. I've seen it for years and the reviews are quite good. It's up to you but again personally if I were spending over $400(the one I'm linking is currently about $100 cheaper than the CC) I'd want one with a little flexibility :)
jjeff said:
Yes 12a is a lot harder to find than the real cheap 16a L2 EVSE you see. While Clipper Creek are kind of the defacto EVSE around here and I don't have anything bad to say about them quality wise, I don't like how they are basically one voltage/amperage and gives you no room for flexibility or future proofing. If you wanted 12a it really limits your choices but I did find this rather nice 120v/240v 8a, 12a, 16a model off Amazon. I've seen it for years and the reviews are quite good. It's up to you but again personally if I were spending over $400(the one I'm linking is currently about $100 cheaper than the CC) I'd want one with a little flexibility :)

Thanks for the reply and the link. I spoke to Charley at Clipper Creek today. I have to check that Canadian Electrical code allows for the L1 L2 Neutral thing. If it’s a go then I’ll hit the order button on Friday. Should work well for most of the time. The 40 amp Juicebox for the few times we need something faster.