Understanding the EV haters

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That's kind of sad though, in that he was actually a LEAF owner. So, as such, had something to offer. Did he get any warnings?

I personally try to keep my politics out of postings in areas where I know they aren't welcome. But if someone comes and bitch slaps me in the face with their political leanings...well. :?
A thread topic on CAN bus messages or recommended wire gauges is less likely to attract discussion comparing and contrasting democrap and republitard viewpoints than, say, "Understanding the EV haters".
mwalsh said:
That's kind of sad though, in that he was actually a LEAF owner. So, as such, had something to offer. Did he get any warnings?

I can't speak for the mods, but I have seen posts from others where they have made it known to him that he was being offensive. A few of them even announced they would block him. And I haven't even set foot in the Politics and Guns threads, where he apparently has been rather prolific in his posting per his profile.

If that's not a strong enough hint, I don't know what is short of an admonishment from the mods.