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My Nissan Leaf Forum

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  1. 5

    Nissan Leaf Logo

    Interesting comparison. First thing, is that the Nissan Leaf logo, of the Nissan Leaf zero emissions logo? Second, I don't think they are too smiliar that people will think of that when they see it. The Nissan zero emission logo is really just a rounded bubbly 'e' rotated slightly.
  2. 5


    Welcome to the Nissan Leaf Forum. Thanks for keeping us updated!
  3. 5

    Battery Options

    Hi Jessica, Can you talk a little bit about battery options in the Nissan Leaf? There's been some commenting around the internet on the possibility of having different price-options for battery packs.... a standard pack for the 100 miles, and perhaps a larger capacity pack if people want to...
  4. 5

    Free Nissan Leaf T-Shirt

    Oh man... now you tell me! I was planning on going to the Nissan Leaf tour when it came to Vancouver BC, but it was raining that day and I was lazy so I didn't go. If I had only known there was free stuff!
  5. 5

    Tour Update

    Hi Jessica, Would you be able to provide us with an update on the Nissan Leaf US tour? How has it been going, and where is it at currently? I'm near the Seattle area... I think the closest scheduled stop is in Vancouver? Thanks, Nathan
  6. 5

    Solar Panels to help charge the batteries

    I saw something in the 'Ask Nissan' section of this forum, and I liked the idea. I did a bit of looking around, and this is what I came up with. The new version of the Prius will have a solar roof as an option, but all it does is keep the cabin ventilated when parked int he sun so that the air...
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    There is one time I would consider this... if I didn't pay for the battery pack. Maybe when you buy the Nissan Leaf, you can buy a battery pack with it, or you can choose to sign up with these battery stations. They would have a monthly fee (similar to leasing the battery pack from Nissan) and...
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    LOL that's hilarious! Why stop there? They could be a lot more 'Green' of an electric vehicle by not using rubber tires. Why not make them out of old toilet paper rolls? Smooth rolling... until there's water on the road!
  9. 5

    Just to be clear

    Ha, thanks Nissan Rules! I would've just assumed that people who managed to navigate to, register for an account, log in to that account, and then read posts would know what EV stood for. It's always good to get back to basics. It's good to understand our roots, where we came...
  10. 5

    Lithium Stocks could rise

    Lithium is the lightest metal, and in an electric car, I'll take all the weight savings I can get. I think that's the main reason they are still using lithium ion battery technology. It also has no memory effect, so you wouldn't have to drive your Nissan until it ran out of power and THEN...
  11. 5

    Nissan Leaf vs Chevy Volt

    I agree. Once people start drivving the Nissan Leaf, or other electric cars for that matter, plugging in a destination (or at home) will become second nature. There's no reason the cars couldnt have charging reminders when you take the key out... 'Plug me in' (in creepy robot voice haha) They...
  12. 5

    leaf power is comparable to gas vehicles

    This is why the Leaf is superior: "Mark Perry, Nissan’s director of product planning, said the cost per mile is 4 cents if you figure gas is four bucks a gallon, electricity is 14 cents a kilowatt hour and you drive 15,000 miles a...