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  1. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    Has anyone else who has done the surrender for a buyback had trouble with the Morley rep taking longer to get back to them? We had our repurchase fully approved on Jan 5, Nissan AS said 2-3 weeks for Morley to setup appointment which would have been Jan 19-26. I emailed the AS Jan 25th and they...
  2. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    I was thinking this too and it's not like the EV charger is proprietary. Most other EVs can use it too so unless you're going back to ICE vehicles only then you can still use it and get value out of it. Don't make the commitment on installing a L2 unless you really plan to use it long term. I've...
  3. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    Has anyone that has already done the surrender for a repurchase agreement had any trouble with them taking money off for excess wear? We have some minor paint scratches and dings that seem to be within normal wear but one of the wheels has a scratch on the rim from sliding in to a curb on an icy...
  4. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    What year and battery size is your Leaf? Had you done any of the arbitration process to get a buyback offer?
  5. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    I believe the replacement batteries still carry some warranty so they need to make sure it meets spec and is done by Nissan techs. They also want to make sure you actually get the battery replaced and don't just pocket the money like someone involved in a minor fender bender that doesn't...
  6. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    The arbitration specialist called me and explained she waived half the usage deduction to cover the registration fees. If we wanted the registration fees included they would have to charge the full usage deduction so it's a better deal according to her. She did confirm they use the standard...
  7. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    Got our second offer back. They waived half the usage deduction so now we're at $17k for the offer. No mention of the registration fees being included which is listed in the Colorado lemon law so we asked for that to be added. Hopefully they accept which will bring us over $20k which also should...
  8. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    The $15k already included the $5k from Colorado as the dealership took the credit. The other $10k was an Xcel credit that the dealership also took off the top. Still was a pretty good deal at the time though.
  9. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    I'm fairly certain they are using this formula in the cases with bigger usage deductions because this is listed in the BBB Autoline documents. (miles driven/100,000) * purchase price You can check lemon laws for each state and some have defined the usage formula but if not, they seem to be...
  10. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    Here's my breakdown. We had a big incentive of $15k between our local utility and a Nissan incentive that was taken off the purchase price.
  11. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    Got my first offer back which was only $10k after knocking off $14k for usage. Have a 2017 30kWh SL that was bought new for $37k with about 38k miles today. I think they used the (miles/100k) * purchase price usage deduction formula. Seems absurd to assume the useful life is only 100k miles. We...
  12. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    Did you try negotiating on the 1st offer? I've seen some mention from others to negotiate with them to get a better offer. Some mentioned they said they couldn't replace their vehicle with the offered price and if you turn down the offer, they are required to get you a battery. If they don't...
  13. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    I'm also working through Boulder Nissan for my 2017 30 kWh battery replacement. Mine is still drivable for now but we've had a couple of weird turtle mode blips. Just hoping we can make it a little longer without any major issues We just sent our documents to the arbitration specialist so...
  14. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    I went to Boulder Nissan to help start the case and would highly recommend them if your near the Denver Metro or in the foothills. They claim to be the #1 Leaf dealer in the country so I figured they have some experience with this issue.
  15. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    I'm pretty sure most of the gen 1&2 Leafs do not have spares. Our 2017 SL does not. Just the tire repair kit. I would assume that's a generic requirement someone copy and pasted.
  16. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    It could be that these batteries being shipped over are the last batch and they have stopped making them. Could be supply issues and they feel they need to use those materials for the new vehicles. My guess is they have had more warranty issues than they expected combined with supply issues and...
  17. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    Thanks! Called consumer affairs and started a case. I asked the agent about buyback and he said he could send either to parts specialist to check backorder timing on the battery and it would only be a few days or he could send directly to the buyback department which might take a little longer...
  18. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    Did you call Nissan consumer affairs or a different department?
  19. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    Went to the dealer yesterday and had them start the battery replacement process. They said wait 2 weeks before calling Nissan consumer affairs so they have time to get the case# in the system. They said they have heard from Nissan that there are a bunch of batteries being shipped over to the US...
  20. M

    The battery replacement/buyback thread.

    Pretty sure we are all up to date. We just were in at the dealer at the end of August for the annual battery check and they said we were up to date on all software patches. We were still at 9 bars at that visit so still within spec. Sometime in the last few weeks we lost the 4th bar.