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  1. M

    15 inch rims, anyone tried them? they fit, with pics

    Yes that was a great video. I recently got an old porsche 944s and saw that video but oddly I was looking at doing the opposite. They don't make 15s or many 16s in top performance tires anymore so I was looking at 17 's or 18. A lot of porsche people bash 18s on the 944 since the car was...
  2. M

    LEAF 2 : What we know so far (2018 or later?)

    It also saves a lot of time. Maybe they were ready for 2019 and suddenly told 2017 (but now late obviously) after the bolt came out as a concept. We shall never know but the internet will forever argue.... Platforms can usually have different width and wheelbases no problem. Look at any...
  3. M

    15 inch rims, anyone tried them? they fit, with pics

    I think aero matters much more than weight, at least for my drive. Last winter I hit a curb and one of the rims cracked. Looks like it was a previously repaired rim and painted over too. I didn't notice that when I bought them. Probably wouldn't have done anything to it if it was a different...
  4. M

    Electric bill

    I think it's pretty obvious May is a typo and should be about 970 kWh used. So if "2016-08-01 2797" is the first month with the leaf lets look at the extra electricity used that month vs the previous 2797-1404=1393 divide that by 31 days to see how much more electricity you used each day...
  5. M

    Rumor: Leaf 2017 to get 40kWh

    IIRC didn't it also default to 80% if you just got in the car and did nothing? If you switched it to 100% does the car remember that for every charge session going forward? Does anyone know if a Tesla defaults to 100% from the factory? I would guess in the real world 99.9% of Teslas aren't at...
  6. M

    Crime novelist question

    The only thing I can think of is when the car automatically saves the location if you plug into a level 2 EVSE. I don't know if they log a time though. Maybe you could combine it with data from a charging network or use the pings from the cars data connection on cell phone towers.
  7. M

    2015: Battery Data Report @ 100% Charge

    Nov 3 '14: KM - 11 962, Soh - 100%, Charges - 11 QC 256 L1/L2, Gidds - 289, kWh - 22.4, Soc - 96.4%, Hx - 101.94%, Ahr - 64.38 Jan 17 '15: KM - 19 338, Soh - 100%, Charges - 38 QC 453 L1/L2, Gidds - 292, kWh - 22.6, Soc - 97.2%, Hx - 108.32%, Ahr - 64.38 Mar 31 '15: KM - 26 786, Soh - 100%...
  8. M

    They forgot the EVSE ...doh....

    I also have a 90 mile drive and L1 at work (sometimes) with 10 hr shifts. If it's perfect weather where you are and you drive slow you may be able to do it. If it ever drops down to 30s where you are and if you want to drive over 75 then I'd say it won't work. 10 hrs at work on L1 for me was...
  9. M

    Official BMW i3 thread

    I would guess that the ioniq may be better highway car than the i3 due to the aero and Hyundai(Kia)'s history of reporting usable vs actual capacity. If so the ioniq is 30.5-31 kWh to the i3s 33. If you're just going to go with low speed city driving then the advantage prob. goes to the i3...
  10. M

    Official Tesla Model 3 thread

    I'm not a reservation holder... but my wife is, probably number 399,999 since she didn't like it from the Tesla limited shots the next day (she was sleeping when it launched). When I showed it to her I said, "I like the big one better, it's a hatch, you know the one we drove". She agreed...
  11. M

    Anyone heard of this third party Nissan Leaf battery expansion?

    I would highly doubt there would be enough people interested in keeping those cars on the road to support a business. Also keep in mind that due to limited range your potential customers will have to be very close to you, pay to ship the car to you and possibly ship it back or pay for shipping...
  12. M

    Official Tesla Model 3 thread

    Yes that was a pretty lame article and way out there allegation about bumping up pre orders. Although I'm not an IT guy I could see how tesla would have wanted to make it smooth as possible for the system to take reservations for the day of the pre order and then sort through and deal with...
  13. M

    The New Tire Replacement Post

    The defender is an LRR tire and marketed by Michelin as such, it just isn't the key quality that the tire wad designed for. From what I remember reading about it the defender's main design is to last a long time without giving up a great amount in any other category. The premier is designed...
  14. M

    Cell Phone Bluetooth Unit Failing?

    If was a problem with the Bluetooth system then nothing should actually happen to the call. The phone should disconnect fro Bluetooth and still work through the handset. I've had the Bluetooth cut out mid call and then I just hear the person saying "hello, hello" from my pocket. I'm pretty...
  15. M

    Nissan: We Can Match Bolt

    The 2017 i3 will probably be the perfect formula, over 100 miles all electric with a small back up ICE. Now I know there are some other issues using the ICE on highspeed (70+) freeways and mountains but if you really are just using it as an oh sh*t device or a winter weather back up and not...
  16. M

    2015: Battery Data Report @ 100% Charge

    Nov 3 '14: KM - 11 962, Soh - 100%, Charges - 11 QC 256 L1/L2, Gidds - 289, kWh - 22.4, Soc - 96.4%, Hx - 101.94%, Ahr - 64.38 Jan 17 '15: KM - 19 338, Soh - 100%, Charges - 38 QC 453 L1/L2, Gidds - 292, kWh - 22.6, Soc - 97.2%, Hx - 108.32%, Ahr - 64.38 Mar 31 '15: KM - 26 786, Soh - 100%...
  17. M

    Nissan: We Can Match Bolt

    I think a big part of that is that they aren't a traditional automaker and doing things in a predictable way. I did see one spy shot cell phone pics of a camo car that looks a lot like what the 3 looks like now. All the traditional automakers have sites set up that everyone knows about and...
  18. M

    Used leaf, 12 bars, leafspy reports 16.8kwh

    Brand new only about 22.2-22.6 kWh would have been available to you. You mentioned the Guess o meter says 85 miles. How far can you actually drive till you're down low? My non expert opinion on how to get an idea of which numbers are right or wrong would be to reset the miles/kWh, drive it...
  19. M

    Nissan: We Can Match Bolt

    Although anything can happen I would bet against the bolt getting any form of significant upgrade. That car just can't compete with Tesla on any front other than it has more cargo space and it's an EV that goes about as far for the same cost. If there's going to be a pack upgrade from Chevy...
  20. M

    Official Tesla Model 3 thread

    From what they've said about moving the seats forward to increase rear seat room I think the central display will stay. Also since Tesla is pushing automation the location of the primary displays will matter much less as people get more comfortable with them. As a driver of a mini and a second...