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My Nissan Leaf Forum

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  1. dlich18

    LEAF to GRID - Powering Your House From Your Leaf

    As noted in article, useful not only in emergency situations, but also to even out household power usage and switch household peak period usage to base period.
  2. dlich18

    Do Electric Vehicles Live Up To Their "Green" Reputation?

    Here is an article published today by the Berkeley Energy & Resources Collaborative regarding whether EVs are actually cleaner. It reports on a new study by Climate Central which concludes that it depends on in which...
  3. dlich18

    Cleaner to Charge at Night? This Article Surprised Me

    Interesting article about whether it is more environmentally friendly to charge during high usage or low usage periods. According to this study, energy produced during low usage periods is dirtier (coal) energy...
  4. dlich18

    All of the Sudden, I'm Seeing (Being Seen By) Lots of Leafs

    I am in the West Los Angeles, Santa Monica area. Until last weekend I had not seen any Leafs on the road except one parked on the street. Starting this last weekend, I have seen several. Actually found myself stopped at a traffic light next to a Leaf on two separate occasions. We were...
  5. dlich18

    Gas prices prompt IRS to raise mileage rates Haha Do you think Leaf drivers are entitled to the same mileage rate?? :lol: :lol:
  6. dlich18

    Delivery Date Priority

    I know this subject has been touched upon in some other threads, but I would like to gather here everyone's input on how delivery priority is going to be determined by Nissan. There a a few possibilities: By original reservation date, regardless of when ordered; By the "order month" assigned...
  7. dlich18

    HELP! - I'm trapped in a broken Leaf ordering system.

    I'm beyond frustrated. I reserved my Leaf back in April in the first 5 minutes that one could do so. I applied through eTec for the free charger, and was approved. Yipee! :) I was assigned a September order month. All was going well. - until --- There was apparently a breakdown in...
  8. dlich18

    My Embarrassing Test Drive Video

    Vote for my video so I can win! (My kids are seeking witness protection for children of dads who became rappers during a midlife crisis, but what the heck!) By the way - they are giving away one Leaf per event, so if you are...