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My Nissan Leaf Forum

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  1. R

    Buying an 8 Bar 2012 Leaf

    It looks like there is some benefit to living in a place with awful summers... 8 bar Leafs are pretty prevalent. I would love some info from others who may have purchased 8 bar leafs (or less) or those who have had their batteries replaced under warranty. - What is the process pre-purchase...
  2. R

    12 Bar 2015 or 8 Bar 2012

    Yeah, I probably should have that on my profile. I'm in the Dallas, TX area, so... yeah, cold weather is not a problem :D On most cold weather days, the seat heaters and steering wheel should be more than enough for me.
  3. R

    12 Bar 2015 or 8 Bar 2012

    I need some advice from some of you seasoned veterans here. There a quite a few used Nissan leafs for sale around me and I'm trying to narrow them down to the ones that are worth considering. I have it down to the following 2 cars: - 2015 S, 12 bars, QC port, 12,000 miles, $8,000 (no haggle...
  4. R

    Is the Leaf right for me?

    Hey everyone! I've been doing a lot of research on the Leaf in the last couple of weeks. I'm getting tired of my old Civic and started browsing used cars. I hadn't considered an EV before until I started seeing the used prices on the Leaf. That got my frugal heart racing :D Anyhow, I'm trying...