Recent content by Mokojojo

My Nissan Leaf Forum

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  1. M

    First few weeks with my used Leaf... Insurance sticker shock!

    Really glad I saw this post. Just got my leaf yesterday and the insurance went up by $22. Did a quote with Costco brand and got it down by almost $50. Why do company increase the price to piss off royal customer I have no idea. Been with Geico for so man years now...
  2. M

    FIRE using LVL 1 - 120 V Trickle Charger

    Thanks and sorry for the slow reply, still trying to understanding all the discussion. No my garage is attached, just a regular house.
  3. M

    FIRE using LVL 1 - 120 V Trickle Charger

    Wow, thanks! This is rather interesting. When you explained like this it all sort of make sense. I'll take your explanation as starting point and go from there. Thanks!
  4. M

    FIRE using LVL 1 - 120 V Trickle Charger

    Thanks I'll maybe look more into that, maybe if I can get a quick quote from an electrician. I was honestly hoping I can just get the car and have some fun with it. As you know just getting the car in itself is already a good amount of work. My current ICE works fine, this was just for novelty...
  5. M

    FIRE using LVL 1 - 120 V Trickle Charger

    So good and informative discussion overall. Now as a potential leaf buyer, I'm now concerned about burning down my house because I was planning on using the LVL1 as my primary charging method. I don't plan to, and don't want to spend the extra money on installing a LVL2 (which would probably...