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    cwerdna reacted to ramisalah's post in the thread 100 kW Charging with Angry Angry.
    Here are the areas of feedback I am getting: - Some objective feedback from Leaf owners who are confirming the issue with Nissan using...
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    cwerdna reacted to nlspace's post in the thread 100 kW Charging with Like Like.
    My last attempt on this topic, A 50 or 100kW Chademo station has the capability to provide up to 50 or 100 kW of High Voltage DC...
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    cwerdna reacted to BillAinCT's post in the thread 100 kW Charging with Like Like.
    Please post a Nissan statement where they claim that the Leaf is able to charge at 100kW. Because they direct you to 100kW EVgo chargers...
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    cwerdna reacted to css28's post in the thread 100 kW Charging with Like Like.
    The air conditioner has no way to cool the battery pack. The battery cells are sealed in a big metal can underneath the car. As far as...
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    cwerdna reacted to nlspace's post in the thread 100 kW Charging with Like Like.
    That is a Brochure--an advertising and marketing document used to entice purchases. It is not a technical document such as a...
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    cwerdna replied to the thread 100 kW Charging.
    No! It's kW over a period of time --> kilowatts times hours --> kilowatt-hours (it's a dash, not a minus). kW * h --> kWh "kW/hour"...
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    cwerdna reacted to mux's post in the thread 100 kW Charging with Like Like.
    Lots of uncertainty in this topic, since I've been toying with the CDM 2.0 hardware for a bit, here's some general facts: - The e-plus...
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    In short, we've been seeing this many times over the years, and we have a theory on what the root cause is of isolation faults in 40kWh...
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    cwerdna reacted to nlspace's post in the thread 100 kW Charging with Like Like.
    Yes that is correct--and they cover themselves in the tiny fine print and footnotes. For example footnotes number [2] and [4] on the...
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    cwerdna reacted to BillAinCT's post in the thread 100 kW Charging with Like Like.
    Because the members countering don't have or see the issues that you are trying to put on everyone. And you seem to think that every...
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    cwerdna reacted to ramisalah's post in the thread 100 kW Charging with Sad Sad. The blog at the above, as can be seen in the tables...
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    cwerdna reacted to ramisalah's post in the thread 100 kW Charging with Sad Sad.
    When kilowatts of power are added to the battery over a period of time, that is adding kW's per time, kW/hour. Once in the car, the...
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    cwerdna replied to the thread 100 kW Charging.
    We've had to educate people on this before many times. Example was nerys at...
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    cwerdna reacted to BillAinCT's post in the thread 100 kW Charging with Like Like.
    This is the best I can do to show the bars. If the Leaf makes you so unhappy, did you not do your homework before purchase?
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    cwerdna replied to the thread 100 kW Charging.
    Wrong. Watts already have a time in the denominator. A watt is a joule per second. So, 1000 joules per second per hour doesn't make...