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  1. Stanton

    Service EV System. Unable to restart after power off

    Because they do (especially if lead-acid). If I had a $1 for every "my 12v battery is low/old/bad and I'm getting strange dash (or LeafSpy) readings" post on this forum over the last 10 would have paid for my Lithium 12v battery (which pretty much ended those type of problems). ;)
  2. Stanton

    Had some codes that implied my battery was going...

    That's not the point: any (low) 12v battery can be the source of incorrect/unreliable codes in a Leaf. There are plenty of threads on 12v battery options for the Leaf; the closest thing you can come to "don't have to worry" is a Lithium-based 12v...but that's a whole other discussion.
  3. Stanton

    A thread for people happy with their Leaf

    Not to derail the thread, but where are you "tapping" the 12v system? I am able to charge my EcoFlow Delta Pro (battery backup) from the Leaf's 12v lighter, but that's not a direct connect to the house/transfer switch.
  4. Stanton

    Optima yellow top or antigravity 30amp? Something else?

    While true that EVs generate less heat in the engine compartment, even lead-acid batteries suffer from the prolonged affects of heat (where it rarely gets below 80 degrees even at night in the summer). The real killer for lead-acid vs Lithium is: lead-acid doesn't handle discharge below 50% well...
  5. Stanton

    Optima yellow top or antigravity 30amp? Something else?

    That might work in Michigan, but not in the South/Southwest. I never had a lead-acid battery last more than 3 years in Texas (and have even had them give out in <2 years).
  6. Stanton

    Optima yellow top or antigravity 30amp? Something else?

    If you're going to spend $300 and you want a "set it and forget it" battery...then go Lithium (and forget the trickle charger). There are plenty of threads on it (search for my name) and they are almost half the price of the one I put in my Leaf...over 10 years ago (that wasn't a typo)!
  7. Stanton

    Battery Upgrades are very possible

    Depends on the state (and the laws in that state); it ranges from "any individual" (like I was in Texas) to "dealers only" (the majority of states). use the Copart website as a starting point.
  8. Stanton

    Low battery warning and LeafSpy kWh question

    Once you confirm/observe this, all bets are off. Range estimates (and turtle) are unreliable until you replace the bad cell/module. I suspect the OP is experiencing something similar. Been there, done that.
  9. Stanton

    HV battery voltage is dropping.

    Any additional history/details for the car? If not, posting a LS cell voltage screen shot may help. Both the overall voltage and average cell voltage seem low; if you can't get the cells over 4.0v on a full charge, then something is going on with the BMS (or a rogue cell).
  10. Stanton

    Battery Upgrades are very possible

    ^^^THIS I acquired my 40kWh pack from a Copart auction (and it was sold by an insurance company). Like all things--buyer beware--but Copart can be a good source for salvaged Leafs (albeit a bit more $$).
  11. Stanton

    2014 leaf battery - heaters mandatory or optional?

    I installed a 40 kWh pack (with built-in heaters) in a 2011 Leaf that had no idea what "battery heaters" were and have no problem; I simply ignored/didn't use the heater port on the (new) pack. So it doesn't seem like the pack itself cares whether it has (working) heater elements or not.
  12. Stanton

    Battery Upgrades are very possible

    For the record, that is a much lower cost of acquisition than I experienced; in fact, that has to be lowest cost for a 40kWh pack I've ever seen/heard, so you got a great deal. My own experience was in the $12k+ range for a salvaged Leaf with a 40kWh pack (and that was almost 3 years ago now).
  13. Stanton

    What is the price range of a new fob?

    Very misleading; not even all locksmiths have a programming tool. Please see post from @henrydehoja : "make sure that the price quote you are provided includes both the key fob & fob programming." Total cost >>$100
  14. Stanton

    Love our Leaf

    You are discovering the joys of low maintenance EVs! Very little to keep track of beyond brakes, (cabin) air filters and (of course) tires. At some point, you might want to consider changing the gear box fluid (plenty of threads about it on the forum), but with your "easy" driving habits, you...
  15. Stanton

    2012 - how large of a USB thumb drive can be used

    I have used a 4Gig drive on my 2011...and I'm pretty sure the 2011/2012 model years share the same USB chip sets. FWIW, I've noticed that older peripherals (and 10 years old is an eternity in the computer world) can't read drives >64Gig.
  16. Stanton

    2014 battery range after replacement?

    Based on those LeafSpy readings it looks like you got a new 24kWh pack (only a couple AHr off the theoretical max). It should be a bit more balanced at that high SOC, but I don't think there's anything to worry about at this time. However, I would run it down to very low SOC (say 10%) just one...
  17. Stanton

    Always charging 12v battery.

    Could be a bad 12v battery; have it load-tested. You should never drain the traction pack in an off/idle state; are you sure you didn't damage any of the 12v wiring/sensors when replacing?
  18. Stanton

    I'm looking to purchase a used 2015 or 2016 Leaf, will it be worth it?

    I wouldn't buy any used Leaf (or battery pack) without putting LeafSpy Pro on it; you can post a couple of screen shots here, but you need to look at AHrs and cell voltage spreads (at low SOC). Having said that, I think Gen1 Leafs make good commuter cars (I've had mine over 10 years now).
  19. Stanton

    Repeated ground faults from evse

    Did you see the name on the EVSE in the pic he posted? I've never even heard of it! I also avoid batteries made in China (even my 12v Lithium is not China-based), and there is a difference between "made in China" and "made in Taiwan" (or other parts of Asia).
  20. Stanton

    Repeated ground faults from evse

    I get the sarcasm, but I wouldn't mess with any Chinese made EVSE...because most are designed/built like crap. You get what you pay for.